Milan, overwhelmed by debris at the M4 construction site: 42-year-old worker dies


A worker of 42 years oldat work on the construction site of the new one line 4 of the subway of Milan, died after being left half-buried from debris a 18 meters of depth. The accident happened on Monday at 18:40 in the square Tirana. According to a first reconstruction of the incident, the 42-year-old went to cardiovascular arrest immediately after being able to get rid of the debris. Immediate intervention by the 118 rescuers who performed the resuscitation maneuvers. The race to the hospital is desperate San Carlo: he was immediately intubated by doctors, who continued with resuscitation attempts, but the worker died shortly after hospitalization. On the scene of the accident also the carabinieri and the firefighters.

Tomorrow the works will be suspended as a sign of mourning: “On Tuesday we will stop the work on the new metro line – explained the Councilor for Mobility of the Municipality of Milan, Marco Granelli – and I will participate in a religious ceremony to be held at Buccinasco base camp. ” The mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala he expressed his condolences to the family through a note: “I learned a little earlier about the tragic death of the foreman who was working on the M4 construction site. I want to express condolences to his family and closeness to his colleagues, I am deeply dismayed for what happened. We are available to the family for everything necessary in this difficult and tragic moment ”. Even the company M4 spa said it was “heartbroken” for what happened: the president Fabio Terragni he said the company is “available to the authorities so that the dynamics of the accident can be clarified with the utmost rigor”.


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