<div class="post_main_pic"><img src="https://www.srugim.co.il/i/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/חיים-כץ-דיון-ועדת-הכנסת__w650h331q80.jpg" alt="Haim Katz erupted: "שותים את דמי, "זה החיים שלי"" width="650" height="331" /><p> (Photo: Adina Wallman / Knesset Spokesmen)</p></div> <p>The Knesset member Haim Katz's request for immunity is being held on Thursday by a Knesset committee chaired by MK Avi Nissenkorn and attended by the Supreme Court Attorney Avihai Mandelblit, who asked to reject the request. Katz, who was silent throughout most of the discussion, snapped at him.</p> <p>(Photo: Knesset Channel)</p> <p>Mandelblit explained, "When holding a corporate bond in difficulties, there is certainly an interest here. There was an economic interest here and he wanted to see that the debts would not fall on the bondholders and create precedence over the controlling shareholders. This creates a very sharp conflict of interest, "argued Katz.</p> <p>Addressing the fraud, Mendblit added: MK Katz has been actively hiding from both the Labor and Social Welfare and Ethics committees. Prosecution in this case will only strengthen public confidence in the Knesset institution. "</p> <p>At that point, Katz burst out to him and said: "Drink my blood, he explains, he made me a cheat. Show me one shekel ?! Shekel!" Later, Katz was removed from the hearing on his immunity after he burst out screaming for the second time, "This is my life."</p>
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