Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalin said, “The so-called peace agreement announced by my US administration is a new occupation plan that ignores the existence and history of the Palestinian people,” said Trump’s statement on Jerusalem.
The statements of Sözcü Kalın are as follows:
“The so-called peace treaty announced by my US administration is a new occupation plan that ignores the existence and history of the Palestinian people. We reject this unilateral plan that neglects the rights and international law of the Palestinian people. As emphasized by our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Jerusalem is our red line and Palestinian land is not for sale. Permanent peace cannot be achieved in the Middle East without justice in Palestine. It is impossible for an unfair plan to live. Israel’s occupation policies for peace and security in the region must come to an end. . Turkey will continue to support the just cause of the Palestinian people. “
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