"This is my wish – said the Vatican secretary of state – that we highlight above all the positive thrusts, others are perhaps less 'positive', these positive thrusts that are put at the service of the good of the country ”. Obviously the secretary of state of a foreign country speaks of Italy and it is a sort of definitive blessing, because the sardines had actually already been incensed in recent days by other important exponents of the Church.
Rebels loved by power?
Yesterday for example Monsignor Nunzio Galantino, president of the APSA e already secretary of the CEI, he expressed himself in this way: "I can only like these guys, who take the initiative to tell us adults that they can't take it any longer to hear us cry out ". The monsignor has also beaten those who do not appreciate bone fish too much: "I am sorry that they are forced to see each other attacked and often ridiculed: so we lose a good chance of being put off by some of our stale schemes ”. In short, the sardines do not only like politicians in government, they have sparked particular enthusiasm even among the highest Catholic spheres. A singular youth rebellion, there is nothing to say.
Eugenio Palazzini
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