The train leaves and the disabled person remains on the ground because nobody helps him to climb. It happened on Thursday morning around 8 am at the Flaminio station of the Roma-Civita Castellana-Viterbo line. A man in a wheelchair could not get on the train to go home.That of Piazzale Flaminio is only one of the extra-urban stations not up to standard, as well as Riano and Morlupo to name a few. "The lifting platform and the platform are not aligned with the train's ascent plan – explains Fabrizio Bonanni, president of the Rome North commuter committee – Furthermore, there is no indication by the Atac operator to solve this type of problem. Everything is left to the good will of users ". Which every day, for months now, have to deal with the continuous disruptions that the trafficking presents: heavy delays, overflowing convoys and suppressed or broken trains.
"It would have been enough to have a station in compliance with trains, with people with a minimum of" humanity "in order to allow this user to use the service – adds Bonanni – Instead he remained on the ground, waiting perhaps for another train and of someone compassionate who takes it in weight to make it go up ".Meanwhile, commuters' protests continue on what was considered one of the worst routes in Italy, along with the Roma Lido. From here, the decision to all take to the streets on December 11 at 11 am, under the headquarters of the Lazio Region in via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi to "ask for respect and service"
"It would have been enough to have a station in compliance with trains, with people with a minimum of" humanity "in order to allow this user to use the service – adds Bonanni – Instead he remained on the ground, waiting perhaps for another train and of someone compassionate who takes it in weight to make it go up ".Meanwhile, commuters' protests continue on what was considered one of the worst routes in Italy, along with the Roma Lido. From here, the decision to all take to the streets on December 11 at 11 am, under the headquarters of the Lazio Region in via Rosa Raimondi Garibaldi to "ask for respect and service"
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