Queuing two Nintendo platforms like 3DS is Wii U (respectively 4.3% and 0.4% of total traffic in 2019), while there is an absence of Nintendo Switch, which we remember does not have an internet browser to allow access to the portal.
At the software level, Pornhub shared the data of the most sought-after games of the year on its portal: it wins Overwatch, with an 8% increase over the past year, while there are following Fortnite, which recorded a decrease of 17%, e Pokemon, which is in third place with a growth of 21%.
Notable leaps of Minecraft, whose searches have increased by 34%, e Borderlands, that thanks to the release of the third chapter saw a boom of 552% compared to last year. Finally, the considerable interest in Apex Legends, the Respawn battle royale which was launched as a surprise during the year and became the fifth most searched game on Pornhub.
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