Queuing two Nintendo platforms like 3DS is Wii U (respectively 4.3% and 0.4% of total traffic in 2019), while there is an absence of Nintendo Switch, which we remember does not have an internet browser to allow access to the portal.
![Pornhub - Video games](https://img-prod.tgcom24.mediaset.it/images/2019/12/12/150317929-ff95a2fd-37a7-4f6c-b881-190eec55b035.png)
At the software level, Pornhub shared the data of the most sought-after games of the year on its portal: it wins Overwatch, with an 8% increase over the past year, while there are following Fortnite, which recorded a decrease of 17%, e Pokemon, which is in third place with a growth of 21%.
Notable leaps of Minecraft, whose searches have increased by 34%, e Borderlands, that thanks to the release of the third chapter saw a boom of 552% compared to last year. Finally, the considerable interest in Apex Legends, the Respawn battle royale which was launched as a surprise during the year and became the fifth most searched game on Pornhub.
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