Relief already in action
The sudden explosion took place at 14.11 local time, in the Italian night. Police said 23 people were rescued, but explained that the number of deaths could increase. The rescue machine has already been set in motion, even if the ash fall is hindering operations. New Zealand's prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, said he understands "the enormous concern for those on the island," assuring that "the rescue forces are doing everything they can".
The volcanic island is located about 48 km away from the coasts of the North Island of New Zealand. The police also issued the alarm for the possible fall of debris, advising those who live a few tens of kilometers away from the volcano to stay at home. In reality, the eruption was not completely unexpected. A few days ago GeoNet, a geological risk monitoring site, warned of the possibility that the volcano could enter "in a more probable period of eruptive activity than normal". The last eruption of the Whakaari / White Island dates back to 2016.
Here's what White Island is flying into #NewZealand looked like moments after it erupted #volcano #eruption pic.twitter.com/7YFD2eLfRI
– Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) December 9, 2019
Davide Romano
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