After the clash inside and outside the Parliament, "rapprochements" are reported between Alloy and grillini in the hall of Palazzo Madama and Montecitorio Il Corriere della Sera noted as early as the day of the speech of Giuseppe Conte on the Mes in the Chamber, "the look of Luigi Di Maio often ends up heading towards the Northern League Garavaglia, who was Deputy Minister of Economy ". There is even talk of" glances of understanding, perhaps of nostalgia ". In addition, the next day is that of the small groups:" Gruppuscoli of 5 Stars dispersed confabano with Lega League deputies, in the part of predators". And the most active would have been Giancarlo Giorgetti, the man who Matteo Salvini called "the most angry" on the Mes. "Di Maio is right, for once it is consistent, because you give it against?", Ironically the number two of the League, almost sanctioning a truce. Then the 5 star whip: "But no, there are four, three, two, one".
Read also: On the Mes part the "Salvinian" frond of the 5 Stars, "ready not to vote for it"
A word game that according to Corsera it hides the political erosion plan put in place by the Carroccio: "Northern League sources assure that already four senators they accepted the transfer in the League and others would be about to give in. "Voices that are coupled with those who, in the Movement, insistently talk about splitting.
In the video of Agenzia Vista / Alexander Jakhnagiev, Salvini: "Giorgetti the most angry on the Mes"
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