There is something that just doesn't come back in the intervention of Giuseppe Conte in the Chamber, where he had been called to report on the Mes, the state-saving fund for which he was harshly accused by Matteo Salvini is Giorgia Meloni. Already, the prime minister has attacked: in their viewfinder, the leaders of the League and Brothers of Italy. Very heavy words, those of the premier against them. And yet, as mentioned, something just doesn't come back. And what does not make it explicit Pietro Senaldi, the director of Free, guest a Tagada: called to report back to court, Conte did not explain why the notorious Mes should be a useful tool for Italy. "I found it repetitive – explains Senaldi referring to Conte's speech – he repeated the speech of August 20th but he did not explain to us if this is positive or not for Italy, "concludes the director.
Also read: Pietro Senaldi reveals the fatal error of Matteo Renzi
Below, the speech by Pietro Senaldi in Tagada:
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