Two stakes were set in the night summit: "Any decision on the Mes will become final only after Parliament has pronounced itself starting from the resolutions that will be approved on December 11th, on the occasion of the communications that the President of the Council will make in view of the next European Council ". In short, the ball passes to Parliament. And if Luigi Di Maio will keep the word given, the Mes will not pass.
And the decision, sources at Palazzo Chigi add, must be taken "in line with points 12) and 13) of Parliament's resolution approved June 12, 2019. "And in paragraph 13 it is clearly written that the government must" suspend the final determination until the Parliament has pronounced "." The Parliament is sovereign – say sources of the 5 Star – and it is a good that it has been decided not to give any green light until the parliament discusses it. It is the Parliament that speaks first. For us, many things in the Economic and Monetary Union must be revised ".
In short, now it seems from the Conte summit get out of it basically defeated. Di Maio added: "As we have said, nothing will be decided until we arrive in Parliament when the President of the Council comes to report and a resolution must be approved. For us there is not only the Mes, but the reform must be assessed in the of a package of reforms in which there is so much to change ", remarked the grillino.
The second stake provides that "in view of the next meeting of the Eurogroup of 4 December 2019 the government will address the negotiations on the Economic and Monetary Union (completion of the reform of the Mes, a budgetary instrument for competitiveness and convergence and definition of the road map on banking union) following a logic of package"." The meeting tonight on the Mes was good – said Minister Dario Franceschini, head of the PD delegation to the government – no request for referral to the EU but a mandate that strengthens the minister Gualtieri to treat the agreement on the European table in the best possible way as early as December 4th. Obviously, it will then be Parliament that will definitively rule on the decisions taken ".
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