Who was present in Montecitorio could not help but notice the icy coldness between Conte and Di Maio, with the premier much "closer", even physically, to the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri del Pd, a staunch defender of the Mes. Minutes later, at Palazzo Madama, ministers were next to Conte Dario Franceschini is Roberto Speranza, head of the delegation, respectively, Pd and Leu, and colleagues Gualtieri, Enzo Amendola and the grillini Stefano Patuanelli, Federico D'Inca is Nunzia Catalfo.
In the Democratic Party they noted the attitude of Di Maio e Alessia Rotta, deputy vice-president of the dem group in the Chamber asks Di Maio to say "clearly which way he is. With whom he wants to stay in the euro or with whom he wants to smash everything, putting at risk Italian savings?".
Video of Agency Vista / Alexander Jakhnagiev
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