A baseness, a rubbish that could only give birth Marco Travaglio. This is the first page of his Everyday occurrence packed Sunday, December 8th, the triumph of the most vulgar spirit of the handcuff, of that inclination to put in an arbitrary way anyone who doesn't think like him. Yes, because the opening of the newspaper is a invitation to lynching against Elisabetta Casellati, the president of the Senate of Forza Italia. The headline at full page reads: "Casellati, spot photos with the molester". Therefore, the bolt explains: "At the party of his friend the designer he poses with his son who has a conviction in court and a plea bargain (32 months total) for having groped two models". Therefore, the fact that Casellati has taken a photo with his dear friend and the latter's son, for Travaglio it is worthy of similar treatment because the boy has a conviction for groping. Conviction of which, incidentally, Casellati could also have been unaware. But, it should be emphasized, even if he had not been, it is not clear why he should not have posed for the photo. A first page aberrant, which explains better than any article and comment who Marco Travaglio is.
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