And then, continues the director of Door to door, "add that the proportional leaves everyone more free to mark their identity, not linking anyone to alliances that – denied before the vote – could come in handy later ". Then the Vespa bomb:" We are allergic to the conspiracy, like those who see a Di Maio or a Renzi deal with alliances with Salvini". And yet we know that" the Pd he can't stand it any more than the alliance born just three months ago, Renzi seems 'resigned' to vote. And Di Maio is accused by many of his companions of thinking the same way ".
In short, concludes Vespa, "for Salvini (and for the melons) the elections would be a wedding invitation. Yesterday in its annual report Censis revealed that 48% of Italians want the 'strong man'. No one thinks of Buonanima, but of a government that seriously governs – whatever its color – the country desperately needs ".
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