Norm desired by the grillini but that the Casellati has judged inadmissible because it is not, in fact, to the maneuver. A heavy hitch, given that the government is also engaged in a race against time to the sound of votes of confidence to approve the financial and not risk theprovisional exercise. Perhaps this is also why the furious grillini suspect that Casellati's decision is "political", that is to say the result of the pressure of the opposition and of a very precise strategy, and they asked for the resignation. It is not known what Airola said or asked Airini for his former ally Salvini, but the tones seem worried. Understandable. But the response of the League was not long in coming: applause to Casellati and defense, strenuous, of the President of the Senate. Clearer than that…
Video: Vista Agency / Alexander Jakhnagiev
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