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After the sixth seasonal draw, for Virtus Francavilla it is time for continuity. Despite the obvious training difficulties that coach Bruno Trocini has to cope with on a daily basis, the imperials want at all costs to return to victory, which has been missing since October 27, when the imperials have made full gain in the derby against Bisceglie. LA SICULA LEONZIO. Now comes the Sicula Leonzio, and you go to Lentini for one of the Sicilian league transfers, where the biancazzurri have historically always struggled a bit: in the two previous matches in Sicily, in fact, Virtus Francavilla never won, getting a draw in the 2017/2018 season (when Folorunsho and Partipilo recovered the double disadvantage in the second half), and a defeat last year, when D'Angelo's goal was enough to give the three points to the Bianconeri. THE RETURNS. Now Trocini has an extra weapon for Lentini: Zenuni seems to have finally disposed of the pain in his eye, with Delvino returning from the disqualification round. Certainly there is still to do the count of the injured, and to evaluate the conditions of the individuals, with Baclet that for example continues to put minutes in the legs. The impression, however, is that Trocini will in any way want to achieve victory, perhaps without turning from the beautiful game (a hallmark of this Virtus), but the three points today more than ever are as vital as the oxygen on Mars …
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