But without any doubt explosive.The words of the US ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, break out as a bomb in the heart of American politics.
His pressures on Ukraine to make Biden, son but above all father, feel the breath on the necks of the investigations that were supposed to and wanted to trap him in an embarrassing conflict of interests.
Not his own, instead, the instructions that Sondland himself characterizes as precise.
«Personally, I acted in good faith. But based on one direct request of the president. Pence knew, Pompey knew, Giuliani knew. Everyone knew».
Just on "direct", however, he is forced a moment later to deny himself.
During the question time reserved for the Republicans, in fact, the diplomat falters.
"Not that Trump himself or on the phone ever asked me, but" two plus two is four "and in short, the tycoon's intentions were very clear from his point of view: tying the granting of military aid to Kiev, to the production of politically relevant evidence in the broader framework of the 2020 White House race.
A mechanism that Sondland suggests and explains in its own way, but which fails to cling to words or concrete facts.
On the other hand, it is Trump himself who clings to it.
It looks like a movie scene: the Rose Garden at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the noisy presidential helicopter ready to leave for Texas and the audition for the House still in progress.
"It's all over!", cut short by leaning on one of the key passages of what is probably the most complex day of your entire political experience.
«" What do you want from Ukraine? "He asks me"The Donald shouts loudly as he reads the sheet of Sonderland quotation marks written in large letters and with highlighter marks.
"Well, here's my answer, are you ready? Have you turned on the cameras well? », He teases, pauses and starts again: "I don't want anything, I don't want anything!".
He scans it twice, as it would have happened during the phone call around which the judicial machine moves slowly but inexorably.
"I don't want any" qui pro quo ", say to Zelensky to do the right thing."
A phrase that leaves a lot of doubts about it, but that doesn't actually deliver the famous smoking gun in the hands of the Democrats.
It is evident, however, that there are several holds to climb the impeachment wall. Especially if we consider the possibility, more than probable at this point, that all the others are summoned for further testimonies big sued by Sondland. A sort of possible domino effect with consequences as unpredictable as they may be devastating.
If America had been split into two halves for three years and until yesterday, it is now at war with itself.
Now, it's true apocalypse.
And yet, to conclude, the feeling is another: that the opposition demthat is, rather than incriminating, it aims to wear out an adversary that fears, which it perceives as apparently invincible, but which shows itself, by now, clearly tired and perhaps even on the ropes.
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