During the protest some of the defendants surrounded and attacked the car in which Salvini, Fabbri and Borgonzoni traveled. The alleged crimes, for various reasons, are private violence, aggravated damage and aggravated injuries. The crime of injury is decriminalized, the unjustified possession of objects intended to offend is prescribed. Eight respond to injuries aggravated by the aggression, on the same day, to the reporter of Il Resto del Carlino Enrico Barbetti, who fell and suffered a fractured elbow. For this episode the Poligrafici editorial and the journalist were constituted civil parties. While as regards the protest against the members of the Northern League, the requests were accepted as civil parties, the Lega, Matteo Salvini, Alan Fabbri and Lucia Borgonzoni. The position of a 21 / a person has been removed due to a lack of notification. Also there pm Antonella Scandellari he had asked for all the activists to be put on trial. The process will begin on May 13, 2020. "Let's see what the responsibilities are – said lawyer Massimiliano Bacillieri, who represents the League and the leaders of the Carroccio – because it is clear that there are responsibilities".
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