Latest pension innovations: the unions are asking for greater increases in the Budget Law 2020. Here are the latest news.
The unions took to the streets during this weekend to demonstrate against the 2020 Budget Act of the yellow-red government, and in particular against the measures taken by the same to plan for future pension increases starting in 2020.
The trade unions, in particular, do not agree on a fundamental point: the revaluation of future pensions.
These, in fact, ask the Executive for one higher pension revaluation compared to that included in the new Budget Law.
It must be said that the subject of the revaluation of pensions does not only distress the trade unions but also the European Union of cooperatives.
But let's see in detail what the unions are asking the Government in terms of revaluation of pensions and what their proposals are.
Pensions, the latest news: the unions are asking the Government for a more substantial revaluation of pensions in the Budget 2020 Act
The leaders of the trade union confederations Landini, General Secretary of the CGIL, Annamaria Furlan General Secretary of Cisl e Carmelo Barbagallo Secretary General of the UIL call for a drastic revision of the part of the Budget Law 2020 which deals with the revaluations of future pensions.
During the demonstration on Saturday in Rome, in particular, the leaders of the three trade unions expressed their dissatisfaction about the measures that the Conte II government decided to include in the maneuver to reform future pensions.
The critiques of the unions focused on the issue of revaluation.
Barbagallo, in particular, has declared that the Government has not been considering retirees for years.
It is from 2011 that there is no revaluation of pensions and this is leading to a progressive impoverishment of pensioners.
Also Annamaria Furlan he kept his word on it, and explained that one was expected from the Executive very different revaluations unblocking from what was included in the new Budget Law.
The event has also obviously intervened Landini, asking the Government for a real revaluation of pensions and a law on non self-sufficiency for the elderly.
Pensions, the latest news and revaluation: the considerations of the European Cooperative Union on the Budget Law 2020
The theme of revaluation of pensions it does not only worry the trade unions, but also the European Union of cooperatives.
This, in fact, taking up the data published by INPS has made it known that in Italy a pensioner out of four resists with less than 500 euros a month.
Uecoop has clarified that there is an average expenditure of Italian families of up to 2,564 per month four and a half million pensioners that survive with just 1/5 of this amount by paying bills, clothing, transport and above all health care and assistance, which become more and more necessary with age.
Ivan Pedretti, Secretary General of the Spi-Cgil, reading the statements of Uecoop stated that it is absurd that no resources can be found to increase the lower pensions, which are above all those of the poorest, the workers and women.
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