
The message arrives with some interference, due to Hanga e Davies (15 points) in the first part, to Kuric (10) e Mirotic (13) in the second, but still arrives. Because after that stuttering start, Milan begins to raise the level of defense (in the end it will hold a 70 points a Barcelona from the 81.7 of average) and to grind offensive game, not always with fluidity but always more often with effectiveness. Once back after the initial initial replacement, the pivot of everything is once again Micov (16 points, 8 rebounds, 3 assists, 6 fouls), but within the 40 minutes the Olimpia drops one by one all the axes it has. In the third stage, the decisive one to put the race back in balance from an emotional point of view, is Luis time Scola, another that by nature even before he does not want to lose the matches as a registry office as he does not want to waste time: it is his triple that gives the first advantage of the match in Milan (46-44) in a third quarter in which he marks 8 of the its 14 points total (enriched by 9 rebounds and 2 assists). And it doesn't matter if the Barca, taking advantage of a few minutes of the Armani as already happened before the break, lengthens six lengths (52-58 to the third siren). The Olimpia does not disappear from the parquet, rather it is always there, very determined to gamble on it. And to decrease other winning aces in the last period. There is Gudaitis (6 points and as many rebounds) which is not dominant in attack as against Fenerbahce, but which puts Mirotic under physical control and also allows the luxury of stopping it. There is Of the valley, once again skilful in exploiting the space given to him to put two consecutive triples that actually launch the final sprint of the Armani (from 58-60 to 64-60) and to show off with an excellent defense on Higgins (6 points only, with 2/9 from the field for the former CSKA). And above all there is Rodriguez (17 points, top scorer), that the Barcelona shirt does not love by definition and that perhaps for this reason also extracts from the cylinder the triples (5 in total, three lethal in the final) and the assists (7) that definitively sink the Catalans.
But at the Euroleague table, be careful not to be attracted only by Milan's unlined aces in the magical Forum evening. The fundamental detail is that Olimpia no longer hides its cards. Indeed, even thinking about increasing the advantage to games now closed until +13 final (83-70), makes it clear that he wants to play all of them from here on to challenge the tournament greats openly. If you will then be able to catch a Mack (4 points, 1 assist) more enterprising and "courageous" than the one seen so far, the next hands promise to be even more interesting. And the Forum is even fuller.
Paolo Corio
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