
Among the entries collected by our editorial staff in this episode there is also that of the football prosecutor and expert, Giocondo Martorelli who thus commented on the performance of the Fiorentina coach so far: "Montella is undergoing free and incorrect criticism. We must take a step and remind ourselves of the situation in which this new property has arrived".
On the topic Federico Chiesa, and not only, instead, our columnist and the first signature of the Corriere della Sera Mario Sconcerti: "If the company believes it has confidence in the Montella technician, it is right that they keep it. We must not go against the will of the company. Montella must adapt because I see a Fiorentina with few nerves. I consider it a good coach but not a leader. I don't know how Pedro is physically but a striker for this formation serves and not a little: I still don't know of a possible arrival of Florenzi in the purple jersey, indeed in Rome they talk about an exchange Florenzi and Antenucci for Castrovilli, but he has been completely denied by Florence. The best purchase now would be Federico Chiesa, he has a malaise around him and he feels in difficulty.
Present in the episode as usual the background of the market expert Niccolò Ceccarini who took stock of some possible negotiations in January: "In view of the January market, there are two possible operations: a wing and a full-fledged exterior, Alessandro Florenzi is an idea but you still have to wait about a month. The De Paul and Berge options remain alive ".
Finally, closing with the testimony of Yuri, a 31-year-old Florentine boy who, since 2007, has had to start a resounding battle against the osteosarcoma that struck him at 19 and forced him to undergo as many as ten operations and amputation of his right leg. But now he needs Help. The mechanical prosthesis is creating some problems for him and for this he is trying to raise funds, 80 thousand euros, for a new electronic prosthesis that can help him to walk in a better way.
Click below to see the full episode of "Garrisca al Vento!":
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