The Chiariello editorial: "The first fans to do territorial discrimination on Insigne. Ancelotti starts from 4-3-3 …"


The journalist, Umberto Chiariello spoke of various topics in his usual editorial in the "Campania Sport" broadcast on Channel 21: "A week dedicated to the national teams, almost all the Italian players have left and Napoli has imposed a silent press on its members. Someone, like Elmas, has let himself go to some enthusiastic statements and the ADL club has unofficially announced further disciplinary measures. Napoli continues to miss the way of communication by adding more fuel to the fire. The most important theme, however, is the one launched by Insigne. The captain of Napoli in the national team played well and scored, unlike the one he recently made in Napoli. The problems with Ancelotti are only of a tactical nature, one does not argue with the technician because it is impossible to do it, being a good person, but the players are not happy with how they are trained and lined up on the pitch. When the Neapolitan fans label Insigne as β€˜O’ cafone frattese ’, they are the first to do territorial discrimination precisely against Lorenzo, we are really exaggerating. Who put him on the national team was Mancini who was also a number 10, that number in football is the essence. We have a real talent from which we must start again. Ancelotti starts from 4-3-3 putting the important men in the right place. Insigne is an important player and stop saying that he is an outrageous peasant, because you are racist! "



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