In addition to contributing to the redevelopment of the pine forest in Albere di Tenna: a project promoted by the Alpini and shared with the Municipality and the Forestry Corps, which will lead to the creation of a memory park designed to embrace, in a universal way, all the fallen of Trentino due to the two world wars.
The proceeds destined to the cause last year about 108 thousand euros – went to cover only a small part of the damage caused by the Vaia storm.
Given the many interventions that have still to be done, the Ana Section of Trento did not think twice about it, and decided to re-propose the initiative. Adding Pandora to the classic Christmas cake. And if last year the panettone sold were 27 thousand, the objective of this year is to increase the orders to be able even more to help the territory with the proceeds.
The minimum offer for panettone / pandoro is 10 euros. Of which – after the funds destined for post-Vaia reconstruction have been removed – a further 89 cents will be donated for the construction of the new wing of the disabled Center of the Nikolajewka school in Brescia, another major project carried out by the Ana.
There is time until the end of November to book panettone. For info and orders, contact the office in Via Benassuti 1, Trento. Tel. 0461.985246
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