Sport and sexism, the "#Sessismofuoridallepalle" campaign starts in Brescia


Not just a hashtag, but a real awareness campaign that aims to break the increasingly deafening silence on cases of sexism and gender-based violence in the Italian sports world. A hashtag to which reference is made to denounce cases of violence, a sharing portal and request for support in the face of such episodes, the creation of a public communication channel between sports and sports governing bodies in order to arrive at drafting a self-regulation code on respect and inclusion of women in sport. This is #SESSISMOFUORIDALLEPALLE, a project that will be officially launched on Friday November 22nd by the association La Scuola DDIritto ONLUS during a special initiative, organized in collaboration with the Basketball Brescia Lioness and with the support of the B&B Foundation, which will be held from 11.30 am at the Pala Leonessa.

The association The School DDiritto ONLUS, for years in the field of prevention of gender violence, will launch a movement that promises to involve the entire world of Italian sport. Athletes, managers, institutions and the world of politics, an initiative that will make it possible to put a stop to the increasingly numerous cases of sexism, almost always silent and to the various forms of gender-based violence in the world of sport.

In fact, sexism in sport is not just a question of insults and disparaging attitudes towards those who practice sports, but it is also a cultural issue that starts from access to sports and continues in the gender pay gap between sports of different sexes. The numbers of CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) speak for themselves: out of 4.5 million people who play sports, only 26.9% are women. Censis states that the sport that has the highest number of members in Italy is football with 1,056,824 registered athletes, but only 2% are women. Instead, paying attention to the differences in wages, the numbers are even more drastic, a lucky Italian player would get a gross annual compensation of 30 thousand euros. Easy to make the necessary comparisons with fellow footballers.

"This is the time to say enough to a situation that has become unsustainable and unbearable," explain the promoters of the association La Scuola DDiritto ONLUS – the warning must come from all Italian sports and sportsmen and make themselves heard clearly: sport does not it can be a vehicle for sexist messages, but it must be the standard bearer of a gender equality that is still lacking in our country. "

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