The danger of avalanches is marked throughout the Alps, after the abundant snowfalls of the last three days. So much snow that has generated the first important seasonal inconveniences to road and rail traffic.
The white mantle started to cover everything from Thursday evening, to 80 to 140 centimeters in Ticino and Grisons. These are unusual quantities for November and record in the Lower Engadine. The abundant snow has triggered the avalanche warning: currently – according to the Federal Research Institute for forests, snow and landscape – there is a marked danger (level 3 out of 5) in most of the Alps.
This dangerous situation has caused the closure of various roads, so that on Monday it is impossible to reach Saas Fee, in Valais, and it is difficult to travel around Davos, Arosa and Silvaplana. Finally, with regard to the railway, the Pontresina-Poschiavo section is still interrupted.
TG 12:30 of Monday 18.11.2019
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