Izzo: 6.5 We saw Armandinho again: he fought and was well guarded, for him only a few snags.
Lyanco: 6 He did what he had to do, he was careful not to make any particular mistakes, maybe he could have done a little more from the back.
Bremer: 6 Sufficient performance. Like Lyanco, he made no mistakes and even tried to score. After two minutes, following a short corner kick and a cross from Ansaldi, he tried to head Szczesny, but did not give the ball enough strength. In full recovery he scored, but the goal was canceled for offside (90 ’+ 4’).
Ansadi: 5 More was expected of him and he suffered a little too much Cuadrado. On a corner kick scheme his shot was decidedly not much and ended up also at the bottom (22 ’). The Juventus goalkeeper with an excellent intervention denied him the immediate draw (71 ').
Baselli: 5.5 His performance was dull and limited to his homework without daring more. Not bad the punishment addressed to the second post, a pity that when the ball arrived in Verdi the ex Napoli did not materialize (8 '). A warning was fooled for having sent the ball away when the game was stopped (68 ’). (from 85 'Millico: n.g.)
Rincon: 6 He recovered from the muscular problem and did not miss his contribution, when he will be better he will do even more. He tried the conclusion after taking the ball out of the area to Bentancur, but his right was too central and also slow to create danger (16 ’). (from 74 ' Zaza: 5.5 When one enters one must engrave and he did not do it enough)
Meïte: 6 To fight struggle, but as usual he alternated good things with less and when he tried the conclusion was not precise. On Szczesny's rejection, on a corner beaten by Verdi and after Belotti had eluded De Sciglio and put in the middle, he tried the conclusion, but he pulled too strong and also high (36 ').
Aina: 5.5 De Sciglio made life easy for him so he should have pushed more.
Verdi: 5.5 A little more dynamic than on other occasions, but he has not managed to affect it as it should. On a free kick by Baselli and after Belotti's side, he came running and tried the right-footed shot, however, his aim was not good and the ball ended up high (8 '). Too bad his good cross didn't find anyone capable of exploiting it with the ball that went through the area of Juventus (72 '). (from 80 Lukic: n.g.)
Belotti: 6.5 He fought giving the example of a good captain and did everything to score without success. First launched by Verdi, he was anticipated by Szczesny (11 ’) and then from the distance he shot the Juventus goalkeeper and not even strong (25’). To unlock the result he also tried his specialty, but reversed, without hooking the ball (58 ’).
Walter Mazzari: 6 He had to be able to get the team out of the tunnel and remove the risk just in the derby and on the eve he lost due to Falque's injury and he didn't have Nkoulou disqualified, but he had recovered Rincon. He relied on the 3-5-1-1 and in defense he opted for the young Bremer and Lyanco who went to compose the trio with Izzo. On the Ansaldi and Ola Aina bands and in the middle of the field he put the polite feet of Baselli in addition to the muscles of Rincon and Meïte. In attack to support Belotti free to go around him Verdi, called to make a difference, which is why he was taken by Naples, and that so far has not done. It will have been the punitive retreat after the beating inflicted by Lazio, it will have been that he has touched the right strings of his players, it will have been a move of pride of the team made that Turin played a first time worthy of the name supported by the his fans who never stopped inciting. Also in the second he held quite a blow to Juventus and tried to score, but Juventus won anyway. The substitutions did not affect him. Lukic could perhaps have been fielded first in place of Un Verdi in decline in the second half, Zaza did not give that something extra and the inclusion of Millico in place of Baselli seemed more a move dictated from frustration because the team could not equalize. It took more grit and even a little more precision in front of goal to score points, but positive signs were seen so he earned himself to stay in his place.
JUVENTUS: Szczesny: 6.5; Cuadrado: 6.5, De Ligt: 6.5, Bonucci: 7, De Sciglio: 5.5; Bentancur: 6 (from 76 ’Khedira: n.g.), Pjanic: 6, Matuidi: 6.5; Bernardeschi: 5 (from 67 'Ramsey: 6); Dybala: 6.5 (from 60 ’Higuain: 7), Ronaldo: 5.5.
Maurizio Sarri: 6.5.
Referee Daniele Doveri: 5 De Ligt intercepted with his arm in the area, but neither for him nor for the Var was the case to assign the penalty, only corner for Torino (12 ’); reviewing the images, however, the rigor seemed to us to be right there. He then pardoned the Juventus defender again when he spoke hard against Verdi (29 ’). It must be said that he did not sanction Baselli, who had also acted harshly on Pjanic (45 '+ 1'). He was not fooled by Cadrado when he fell on a normal Rincon clash and rightly warned Bentancur for stopping Belotti's race (54 '). The yellow in Cuadrado was also right and he had to do it to stem Belotti's advance (57 ’). Correction of Ansaldi's warning for a foul on Bentancur (63 ’). Belotti's foul on Khedira, which then led to a "Gallo" warning for protests did not appear to be a yellow card (90 '+ 2'). He did not err in canceling Bremer's goal (90 '+ 4') for offside. The error on De Ligt's foul weighs on the vote.
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