The most interested are the so-called blue "dissidents", those who do not resign themselves to a subordinate role of Forza Italia in a center-right dominated by the sovereign. "A few days ago – writes the Roman newspaper – during a dinner in Arcore Silvio Berlusconi he read to the guests a personal letter sent to him by the forced exponent Mallegni". There is talk of net accusations, of a party" narcotized "and unable" for 14 months to make opposition to the League ". Then the warning, more or less with this concept:" If we have to commit suicide we choose the playing field and the weapons ". Translation: create groups in Parliament to support an emergency government in the event of a Giallorossi crisis, with the Renzians who" have resumed dialogue with those who do not want to surrender to Salvini ", clarify the background of the Messenger. Gianfranco Rotondi which assures: "The truth is that if the siren should sound at Palazzo Madama a group of stabilizers would not be born, there would be at least four… ".
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