Save-States, brawl in the Chamber: the government is walling and the brawl breaks out


Rissa alla Room on the reform of the Fund Save-States precisely on the day when we learn that the issue could not be addressed either on 4 December or at the 12th European Council. At least that is what Luigi Di Maio hopes that, increasingly in trouble in the Movement, is in agreement with the Prime Minister so that you try to tick off a shift in the matter. The confusion broke out in the late afternoon in the hall of Montecitorio: on the one hand a group of Lega and Fratelli d'Italia members, on the other those of the Pd. Shove, scream, tears and a wrecked chair. The object of the dispute is the European Stability Mechanism, or the Save-States Fund, which after months of negotiations seems to be one step away from the goal.
The hearing of the Minister of the Economy inflames the minds of the opposition Roberto Gualtieri before the Senate Finance Committee and in particular this consideration: "If you ask if it is possible to reopen the negotiation, I tell you that in my opinion, the text of the Treaty is closed". When the agencies beat these declarations the climate in the Montecitorio hemicycle, where the earthquake decree is being discussed, begins to heat up. The League's Claudio Borghi accuses the government and in particular Giuseppe Conte of having given his assent to a text that has become inimendable: «Parliament cannot discuss it, the premier will come to report back to the court and if it does not come we will take it to court because "it was an infidelity in affairs of state". The request is also advanced by Giorgia Meloni, leader of FdI: "If Italians are called to save German banks, the Parliament must be able to discuss them".

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Gualtieri: concerns about MES reform completely unfounded

At this point Piero De Luca took the floor from the Democratic Party, accusing the League of having signed, in June 2019, the agreement for the reform of the Mes. The atmosphere becomes incandescent and a group of Lega and FdI deputies, shouting "sold, sold!", Rushes towards the center of the hemicycle to face the dem: the brawl breaks out and the president Roberto Fico suspends the session . This move is of little use because during the suspension, just under the presidency benches, the confusion involves about thirty deputies: Giorgio Mule (FI), intervened to quell the fight, leaves the classroom with a sprained wrist, Rossella Muroni (LeU ) goes away in tears ("too much violence").
Everything happens while two schoolchildren attend from the stands of the guests. Fico assures the recovery that the government will "report very quickly", perhaps even today. The theme is very delicate and the same majority is not compact. The leader M5S Luigi Di Maio reiterates that on the Mes "there are doubts also in the 5Stars" and asks for an overall evaluation of the package. The grillini, in short, are not convinced and are waiting: the joint assembly of parliamentary groups scheduled last night to discuss Mes's own has been postponed. Gualtieri in the evening had tried to clarify, explaining that the text is not closed, even if from a political point of view there are no spaces for changes. The Mes must be signed by the Heads of State and then ratified by the Parliaments, which will therefore have a fundamental role. Gualtieri already in the Senate had done everything possible to throw water on the fire. Even with some slips. As when he called "comical" the debate that has developed in Italy around the fund states. A statement for which he then apologized. But according to the Economy Minister, Italy has achieved a good result with the new treaty. The treaty, he said, "has changed for the better". It is completely "false" – he said – that there is a tightening of the criteria for the granting of bailouts. As for the criterion of debt sustainability, "I have to announce that there was and remained", he explained to opposition MPs: "it does not change a comma". It is also false that the reform, before moving to the EU Council and in the coming months to the national parliaments, removes powers from the Commission, considered more "soft and political", to assign them to a technical body like the Mes. The Germans wanted it, Italy with others resisted and prevailed.
A. Bas.
M. Con.

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