Second the newspaper, the "political" leap is upon us. If none of the young protagonists of the movement born on Crescentone di Piazza Maggiore in Rome, from Mattia Santori down, will accept a place on the list with the PD or Bonaccini to the regional, "in the corridors also circulates a plan B". The dem, explains again the newspaper, could bet on a "catalyst, a personality close to that world, but not directly involved ". There would already be a name: that of Andrea Colombo, PD councilor in Bologna. "He has a profile environmentalist and friends in common with the creators of the movement ", underlines the daily directed by Alessandro Sallusti. He did not contribute directly to the squares, but could attract the Sardinian vote.
In the video of Agenzia Vista / Alexander Jakhnagiev, the anti-Salvini sardines in the square in Rimini
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