ROME – Seven benches consecutive, the fear of play little and of to lose there call to the next European. Alexander Florenzi is experiencing one of the most moments dark of his career at Rome, so much so that he would be pondering a possible goodbye already in the window of market wintry. The Giallorossi captain does not play from the match against the Sampdoria played last October 20th. And the very club Sampdoria would be thinking of a resounding attempt to take Florenzi in loan in the January market. The president of Sampdoria also thought up a possible inclusion of the outside in pink, Maximum Ferrero: "I'd like to see Alessandro in blucerchiato and take it, maybe …", his statements to corrieredellosport.it.
Goals and assists: Aquilani and Totti enchant. And what curtains! VIDEO
Florenzi at Sampdoria? It depends on Fonseca
Florenzi at Sampdoria currently it is only hypothesis, idea of the sports director Osti who would like to reinforce all wards of the rose to get out of a situation dramatic in the standings. But if Florenzi continue to play little and increase his dissatisfaction with the Giallorossi club, then Sampdoria could decide to sink the shot to give to Ranieri a reinforcement of level.
Spinazzola, fatigue to the flexor. To be evaluated for Brescia
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