"The former vice premier Matteo Salvini gives another show of the pack leader, during the presentation of the new regional commissioner of the Campania League at the Metropolitan cinema of Naples: a meeting that took place in a tavern atmosphere, between interruptions and insults against the reporters, while the head of the League laughed and liked every whistle, even if behind the formal screen of three words: "Respect for journalists".This was written in a note by Desiree Klein, representative in Naples of "Article 21", the association for freedom of the press. "To ask his uncomfortable questions – reads the note – there was also Conchita Sannino, Republic's correspondent, who was continually interrupted by stadium choirs, or buu or by expressions like" Here it is, a Gad Lerner female ". The colleague tenaciously faced the noisy Salvini people live, even turning to the audience and chanting:" Today you do the claque, but know that the free press is also for you ", and has not failed to highlight the incident in his article. "The Captain offers more shows and press conference, all together in the same room – writes Sannino – and if the questions are stinging, part of the public launches buu, epithets, insults to journalists who dare to ask of the Northern League investigated in Avellino because near the boss of the Camorra or the shame of the failed vote in the Segre commission ". Sannino adds for Article 21:" An extra threshold has been exceeded. It is the conference with the U ltras, who enjoy the show, motivate the leader, attack reporters perceived as adversaries ”.

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"In a democracy and in a civilized country – affirm the National Federation of the Italian Press and the unified Union of journalists of Campania – we need respect for the parties and roles. Journalists are invited to press conferences not to hold microphones to the current politician, but to ask questions to which, however, the ex-minister punctually does not respond. Moreover, from those who ask for full powers, we cannot expect a different attitude ". In short, if there is and fortunately in Italy the crime of "Apology of fascism", the leader of the Northern League has invented and continues to carry out "The apology of the gag". The one that allows everyone to insult a journalist, if anything, to tug him up, beat him. A license for impunity! While Barack Obama, in a memorable speech during a Ghana visit in 2009, stated that "an independent press. A lively private sector. A civil society. These are the things that give life to democracy ”, in Italy there is a race to turn journalists into mobile targets. And everyone, but we are all involved. Because one day citizens could remain alone, "when there was no one left to protest".
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