New message from Salvini to Brescia striker Mario Balotelli, victim of racist chants during the match against Verona.
Matteo Salvini, leader of the Alloy, should have other problems with respect to purely footballing issues and parallel issues such as the whistles, chants and offenses of the fans. However, if the former minister really wants to enter into even more "childish" themes, he should have a minimum of tact and prudence. And instead he preferred to take the field once again with a hard nose Mario Balotelli, Brescia football player victim of racist chants during the match against Verona.
These are the words of Salvini: "With twenty thousand jobs at risk, Balotelli is the least of my concerns" said the former Minister of the Interior at a press conference in the Senate to those who asked him for a comment on the events of Hellas Verona-Brescia. Matteo Salvini then added that racism and anti-Semitism are to be condemned but that "an Ilva worker is worth more than ten Balotelli, we don't need phenomena". In short, the distance controversy between the two continues to go on.
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