Rogo Thyssenkrupp, the European Court opens file against Italy and Germany: "Company managers convicted but still free"


There European Court of Human Rights initiated proceedings against Italy is Germany on the case of the burning of the establishment of ThyssenKrupp to turin December 6, 2007. They were relatives of the victims and one of the survivors, Antonio Boccuzzi, to turn to Court of Strasbourg, accusing the two governments of having violated their rights, in particular that of respect for life, because despite the sentence of conviction of the Court of Cassation pronounced in 2016 against two German managers, these remain in freedom. The high Harald Espenhahn and the councilor Gerald Priegnitz have had definitive penalties respectively a 9 years and 8 months it's at 6 years and 10 months, but they have never served a prison day for the 2007 disaster steelworks. In that huge incident 7 workers died. The signatories of the appeal – which the Court had received a year and a half ago – are 26 in all and stress that the violation of their right to life would derive "from omissions and i delays of the Italian authorities is German in executing the sentence of conviction of the two managers ”. They add that they have no other way, except through the Court of Strasbourg, to assert their rights against Rome is Berlin.

In the reasons for the 2016 ruling, the Cassation found that in support of the decision that of the former CEO and other executives was an "imposing fault" as much "for the awareness that the defendants had developed from the tragic event that first took place, both for the plurality and for the reiteration of the inactivated ducts referring to each of them that, synergistically, had merged in determining "within the Turin plant" a situation of current and latent danger to life and for the physical integrity of workers “. The judges had added that the order was a "imposing fault"Also for" the impressive series of non-compliance to specific accident provisions of primary and secondary nature, not least the provision of security plan that engaged the same workers in the first place to face the fire triggers, endowed of Short-range extinguishing media, held inadequate and to avoid turning to external principals of public intervention ”.


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