REWARDS LIVE – Primavera, Napoli-Fiorentina 1-1 (1 'Koffi, 4' Vrikkis): precious point stopping the viola!


14.48 – IT'S FINISHED! Precious point for the Napoli that continues to move the classification, giving continuity after the victory over Lazio in the Italian Cup, stopping Fiorentina on the draw. Everything happens in the first minutes with Koffi's goals and Vrikkis's penalty. Napoli that should have benefited from another penalty, for a foul on Sgarbi, for the rest blues dangerous on the counterattack while to make the match were the viola.

ninety two' – Left-handed! Cross by Palmieri and the Italian striker does not reach us!

90 ' – Three recovery

88 '- Idasiak easily blocks a header, Napoli can restart.

87 ' – Zanon's naive foul, punishment for the viola near the flag.

85 '- Milani caught all alone in the Napoli area, a header that slowly ends to the side.

84 ' – Cross by Zanon, the purple goalkeeper in low grip blocks the ball.

82 ' – Out an exhausted Vianni, inside Mancino.

80 '- Naples that has spent so much in pressure and in this final defends a little lower.

78 '- Wrong hooking of the last man of Fiorentina, Vrakas nearly steals the ball and flies towards the door.

76 '- Koffi's shot deflected, Idasiak stretches into a corner even though he was probably already on the outside of the net.

75 ' – Bank for Senese who fails to turn in the door, he sees the Naples in attack.

73 '- Another attempt from outside Fiorentina, still a very high ball.

71 ' – Series of fouls not booed by the referee, the game gets bad until a foul on the viola.

69 '- For Palmieri, the goalkeeper rejects and the ball remains there but then offside is flagged.

66 '- Three changes for Napoli: inside Virgilio, Vrakas and Palmieri for Labriola, Vrikkis, Sgarbia

63 '- We test Fiorentina from outside, abundantly high ball.

60 '- Yellow for Dutu for having stopped the restart of Napoli.

58 ' – Still Naples: ball from the right of Sgarbia, Vianni does not get there and not even Zedadka behind him but he was offside.

54 '- Labriola! Blue midfielder's shot from outside, but the purple goalkeeper lifts in a corner.

52 ' – Accentuated the script of the match with the azzurrini who try to close the spaces to restart on the break.

50 '- Koffi comes in from the left, but Napoli closes in a corner kick.

47 '- It starts again from the nth corner for the Fiorentina, with the Naples that saves putting in the corner on the other side.


13:58 – Teams in the field without change.

47 '- END OF THE FIRST TIME! We go to rest on the 1-1. The goals both arrive at the start of the race, then Fiorentina hit a post but Napoli may complain about not conceding a penalty to take the lead.

44 ' – Two minutes of recovery.

41 ' – Protests the viola technician Bigica for a bridge of Vianni not sanctioned and his player who remains aching on the ground.

39 '- Cross from the right, hit Zedadka but the referee whistled for offside.

37 ' – Napoli seems to take more courage in this final phase, also trying to maneuver.

35 '- Napoli's insistent action, the ball in the middle for Mamas but kicks to the side.

32 ' – Napoli close to the advantage: ball for Zedadka against the goalkeeper, he overcomes him but in reality the ball remains behind him and the action fades.

30 '- Another insistent action by Fiorentina, but then Napoli recovered and in two passes tried to overturn the action, but Vianni was thrown offside.

27 '- From the replay it is clear the penalty denied to Napoli: Sgarbia had gone away to the opponent who does not seem to take the ball.

25 '- Naples decided protests for an intervention on Sgarbi that had passed the opponent. Baronio also protests.

23 '- Ball lost in exit, insidious corner and corner rescue. Yet another for the viola.

21 '- Another corner: Idasiak rejects as he can, the Naples counterattack starts but Fiorentina takes refuge in a lineout.

20 '- Better the viola that keep the center of gravity high, on the umpteenth inactive ball at the center but it is stretched in the corner

17 '- Florentine stake! One-two on the edge, Duncan then flies towards the goalkeeper and to beat him he opens the corner too much and hits the post.

14 ' – Series of corners for Fiorentina, but Napoli so far holds well with the help of attack towers.

11 '- Fiorentina is dangerous with the ball coming out from the left in the middle, but the shot is weak and easy for Idasiak.

8 '- Naples that tries to sting in restart, Sgarbi launches Vianni but the viola save in extremis.

6 ' – Fiorentina is poured out again, but the attacking players and the action are not intended.

4 '- Napoli draw! Vrikkis! From the spot the blue does not make mistakes by displacing the goalkeeper.

3 '- Penalty for Napoli: cross from the right of Sgarbi, Zedadka in the area is put down, the referee has no doubts.

1 '- Fiorentina advantage: immediately Koffi to sign. Azzurrini distracted and slipped into the first action. Idasiak beaten with a decidedly easy diagonal.


12:57 – Teams in the field


NAPLES (3-4-3): Idasiak; Zanoli, Senese, Costanzo; Zanon,, Labriola, Mamas, Vrikkis, Zedadka, Vianni, Sgarbi. Herds Baronio

FIORENTINA (4-3-3): Brancolini; Pierozzi, Ponsi, Dutu, Chiti; Bianco, Lovisa, Hanuliak; Pierozzi, Duncan, Koffi. All. Bigica

12:00 – The Naples Spring face Fiorentina today for the seventh day of the championship at the Ianniello Stadium in Frattamaggiore (1pm). Baronio's squad: Horse, Ceparano, Costanzo, D'Amato, D'Onofrio, Daniele, Esposito, Idasiak, Labriola, Mamas, Mancino A., Marrazzo, Palmieri, Potenza, Siena, Sgarbi, Vianni, Virgilio, Vrakas, Vrikkis, Zanoli, Zanon Zedadka



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