ninety two' – Left-handed! Cross by Palmieri and the Italian striker does not reach us!
90 ' – Three recovery
88 '- Idasiak easily blocks a header, Napoli can restart.
87 ' – Zanon's naive foul, punishment for the viola near the flag.
85 '- Milani caught all alone in the Napoli area, a header that slowly ends to the side.
84 ' – Cross by Zanon, the purple goalkeeper in low grip blocks the ball.
82 ' – Out an exhausted Vianni, inside Mancino.
80 '- Naples that has spent so much in pressure and in this final defends a little lower.
78 '- Wrong hooking of the last man of Fiorentina, Vrakas nearly steals the ball and flies towards the door.
76 '- Koffi's shot deflected, Idasiak stretches into a corner even though he was probably already on the outside of the net.
75 ' – Bank for Senese who fails to turn in the door, he sees the Naples in attack.
73 '- Another attempt from outside Fiorentina, still a very high ball.
71 ' – Series of fouls not booed by the referee, the game gets bad until a foul on the viola.
69 '- For Palmieri, the goalkeeper rejects and the ball remains there but then offside is flagged.
66 '- Three changes for Napoli: inside Virgilio, Vrakas and Palmieri for Labriola, Vrikkis, Sgarbia
63 '- We test Fiorentina from outside, abundantly high ball.
60 '- Yellow for Dutu for having stopped the restart of Napoli.
58 ' – Still Naples: ball from the right of Sgarbia, Vianni does not get there and not even Zedadka behind him but he was offside.
54 '- Labriola! Blue midfielder's shot from outside, but the purple goalkeeper lifts in a corner.
52 ' – Accentuated the script of the match with the azzurrini who try to close the spaces to restart on the break.
50 '- Koffi comes in from the left, but Napoli closes in a corner kick.
47 '- It starts again from the nth corner for the Fiorentina, with the Naples that saves putting in the corner on the other side.
13:58 – Teams in the field without change.
47 '- END OF THE FIRST TIME! We go to rest on the 1-1. The goals both arrive at the start of the race, then Fiorentina hit a post but Napoli may complain about not conceding a penalty to take the lead.
44 ' – Two minutes of recovery.
41 ' – Protests the viola technician Bigica for a bridge of Vianni not sanctioned and his player who remains aching on the ground.
39 '- Cross from the right, hit Zedadka but the referee whistled for offside.
37 ' – Napoli seems to take more courage in this final phase, also trying to maneuver.
35 '- Napoli's insistent action, the ball in the middle for Mamas but kicks to the side.
32 ' – Napoli close to the advantage: ball for Zedadka against the goalkeeper, he overcomes him but in reality the ball remains behind him and the action fades.
30 '- Another insistent action by Fiorentina, but then Napoli recovered and in two passes tried to overturn the action, but Vianni was thrown offside.
27 '- From the replay it is clear the penalty denied to Napoli: Sgarbia had gone away to the opponent who does not seem to take the ball.
25 '- Naples decided protests for an intervention on Sgarbi that had passed the opponent. Baronio also protests.
23 '- Ball lost in exit, insidious corner and corner rescue. Yet another for the viola.
21 '- Another corner: Idasiak rejects as he can, the Naples counterattack starts but Fiorentina takes refuge in a lineout.
20 '- Better the viola that keep the center of gravity high, on the umpteenth inactive ball at the center but it is stretched in the corner
17 '- Florentine stake! One-two on the edge, Duncan then flies towards the goalkeeper and to beat him he opens the corner too much and hits the post.
14 ' – Series of corners for Fiorentina, but Napoli so far holds well with the help of attack towers.
11 '- Fiorentina is dangerous with the ball coming out from the left in the middle, but the shot is weak and easy for Idasiak.
8 '- Naples that tries to sting in restart, Sgarbi launches Vianni but the viola save in extremis.
6 ' – Fiorentina is poured out again, but the attacking players and the action are not intended.
4 '- Napoli draw! Vrikkis! From the spot the blue does not make mistakes by displacing the goalkeeper.
3 '- Penalty for Napoli: cross from the right of Sgarbi, Zedadka in the area is put down, the referee has no doubts.
1 '- Fiorentina advantage: immediately Koffi to sign. Azzurrini distracted and slipped into the first action. Idasiak beaten with a decidedly easy diagonal.
12:57 – Teams in the field
NAPLES (3-4-3): Idasiak; Zanoli, Senese, Costanzo; Zanon,, Labriola, Mamas, Vrikkis, Zedadka, Vianni, Sgarbi. Herds Baronio
FIORENTINA (4-3-3): Brancolini; Pierozzi, Ponsi, Dutu, Chiti; Bianco, Lovisa, Hanuliak; Pierozzi, Duncan, Koffi. All. Bigica
12:00 – The Naples Spring face Fiorentina today for the seventh day of the championship at the Ianniello Stadium in Frattamaggiore (1pm). Baronio's squad: Horse, Ceparano, Costanzo, D'Amato, D'Onofrio, Daniele, Esposito, Idasiak, Labriola, Mamas, Mancino A., Marrazzo, Palmieri, Potenza, Siena, Sgarbi, Vianni, Virgilio, Vrakas, Vrikkis, Zanoli, Zanon Zedadka
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