The senator: "I think it was a sort of password to which the whole right-wing group decided to adapt"
La Segre finally stresses: "I think it was a sort of password to which the whole right-wing group decided to adapt, abstaining. Personally, many of them might not have abstained and came to show it to me, unbelievable" and " then when the motion passed, many, but very many, got up to applaud. "
Berlusconi: we defend freedom, doubts in Forza Italia amaze and offend me – "We were and we are in favor of the creation of the Extraordinary Commission for the fight against the phenomena of intolerance, as proposed by Senator Segre. The vote in the Senate – where the left had just rejected our motion against anti-Semitism and racism – was, however, concerned on another theme: the majority's motion contained technical-legal errors with worrying consequences, prefiguring the introduction of new opinion crimes and thus overlapping in a generic and confused way with already existing norms. This for us as liberals 'is unacceptable' . Silvio Berlusconi states this in passing a letter to the Giornale explaining Fi's abstention in the Senate on the vote for the creation of a commission on hatred and racism.
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