Perhaps Mazzarri's exoneration could give a shock, but it would not be the cure for the ills that have plagued Taurus for years. The only real solution is for president Cairo to sell the company once and for all. It would be better for everyone to greet each other and remain friends as before, rather than continue to manage Taurus as it did in these 14 years of "zeru tituli". Yes of course, the Taurus is a financially healthy club, but this is not enough to make him a good president. If a family man brings bread at home, but does not care about the well-being of his family in other respects, he is not a good family man. Families try to improve their status, children must grow up healthy, study and find a good job … so the family must always improve. Same thing as a Serie A club. Football is a sport that aims at winning trophies, not keeping alive to play the following season. By attending the amateur championships I often compare myself with companies that apply this logic, paying attention not to take the longest step of the leg in order not to disappear, but in the very small local realities this reasoning makes sense, especially because in these contexts football has a social value . In Serie A, on the other hand, it makes no sense to manage a team to make a living, because no one is obliged to do so.
Toro, the hour of continuity has come
The point of no return where we have arrived is the logical consequence of a team managed in a rough way especially in the last ten months. Petrachi left, certainly not the best manager on the face of the earth, Turin lost the only reference figure besides the president. Is it possible that we regret the former sports director? In the post-race the president Cairo met Mazzarri in the belly of the Olimpico of Rome, before publicly declaring that Mazzarri is the only one not to be in discussion. Too bad that the technician, very dark in the face of the exit from the Olimpico together with the president, picked up by his alanews.it colleagues (click here to see the exit from the Olympic stadium) let me personally predict something else.
Personally, I do not understand the attitude of the supporters. The unfortunate quote by Chiellini by Mazzarri, elevated to a player to inspire himself, pushed the Marathon to a tough statement against the coach. But how is it possible that there was not a single stance of the curve, nor a statement of the same, to emphasize the non-existent market of the company, the failure and adequate replacement of Petrachi, the team and the coach left in disarray in the Europa League preliminaries without the shred of a single reinforcement and has not taken a position against the endless series of presidential declarations at the limit of teasing, like the alleged difficulty in reinforcing the rose? I would have found a harsh statement against self-injuring management, rather than a gaffe (albeit serious) of the technician, much more logical.
President, when is a mea culpa?
The only positive thing about the dark moments is that you can always go back up. I note with pleasure, and I regret it for the delay, as some journalists, more authoritative than myself, begin to ask Cairo for a turning point. Tomorrow night there will be the Mole derby, with many tickets still unsold. The Cairo era began with the over 30,000 of the Delle Alpi against Albinoleffe and the nearly 60,000 in the playoff victory against Mantova. Today with Cairo we cannot fill a 27,000-seat stadium in a derby. Ask the president how he has been able to lose the trust and faith of over 50% of the fans in a game as important as the derby. On the outcome of the race we just have to rely today, on the All Saints' Day, on divine providence, hoping that the spirit of the heroes of Superga will wake up Belotti and companions with the black crisis in which they have collapsed.
A week ago, President Cairo, I urged you to do mea culpa and take responsibility. Today, even if the grenades were to win the stracittadina tomorrow, I urge you to sell the company. We could end up in worse hands, but maybe even better. Everything is possible, but president, I ask you on my behalf and those who think like me, sell, greet us, let us go in peace, give us back the pleasure of cheering, of suffering and of dreaming for the Bull.
Vincenzo Chiarizia, a grenade journalist, collaborates with various Abruzzese newspapers that deal with amateur football, for which he writes and carries out commentary. Fifth of six male children (almost all grenades), he works and lives in L'Aquila with a partner who is half grenade.
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