Pensions, checks change. But there is the "scippo" from 1500 euros


The pensions they are a problem to be solved for the government in view of the launch of the Budget Law. In fact the Giallorossi executive has promised a full revaluation even on checks up to 2,029 euros per month. The retouching will concern the checks four times the minimum, while so far a full re-evaluation was recognized only to those up to 3 times the minimum. However, this is a real tip with an increase in between 25 cents and i three euros per month. For this reason all pensioners' representatives are on a war footing and go on the attack of the executive. In this context, in fact, it should be emphasized that it is not just a secondary aspect: how much pensioners have lost on an annual basis since 2011 (the year of Monti's debut in government) with crippled revaluations. According to a calculation by the UIL, within 12 months the "robbery" suffered by a pensioner can even reach 1000 euros each year. At this point we go into more detail of the calculations taking as an example a pension of 1,500 euros gross.

In fact, as recalled by the Messenger, the "robbery" of the State would amount to about 94.62 euros a month, or about 1,230 euros a year. The news is not bune even for those who receive a check for 1,568 euros. In this case, around 960 euros a year are lost. Then the share goes up with pensions from 1,960 euros a month, those between 4 and 5 times the minimum. In this case, even 1,490 euros a year are lost on the street. With the new government plan the revaluations will be revised according to this scheme: 77% for checks between 2.029 and 2.538 euros per month, 52% for checks between 2.537 and 3.046 euros per month, 47% for checks between 3.046 and 4,061 euros per month, 45% for checks between 4,061 and 4,569 euros per month, 40% for checks over 4,569 euros per month. Then from 2022 the equalization will be 90% for checks between 2,029 and 2,538 euros per month and 75% for all checks over 2,538 euros. In short, looking at these figures, a bitter truth emerges for millions of pensioners: they will receive 3 euros more but in recent years they have lost thousands of euros thanks to scissor checks.

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