A double murder by the man, next to whose corpse the soldiers found a firearm: the house is located in the center of Orvieto in vico Sant'Antonio. The 66-year-old's brother raised the alarm, arriving home around 1:00 am after trying to get in touch with his family for a long time: the bodies were each found in a different room. The causes of the probable murder-suicide are still being examined by the carabinieri, coordinated by the Terni prosecutor's office.
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The murder took place yesterday afternoon, in the house a few steps from the police station: it seems that the man suffered from psychological problems for some time. According to a first reconstruction, the newspaper writes The messenger, Carletti would have shot his wife and daughter with a gunshot to the head, and then committed suicide by shooting himself with the same weapon. Carletti, who had worked for years at the Nino Bixio barracks, was in fact a great fan of hunting and for this reason he had some guns in the house. The man was knight of the Republic with a long military career behind him: his wife was retired, her daughter worked in a retirement home and was involved in some voluntary associations.
<! –Last update: Last update: -> Thursday, November 14, 2019, 10:14
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