"The gap between North and South continues to spread – the National President of the University of God writes in a note. Denis Nesci – from the latest Svimez report shows that the road that the South must travel to get closer to the figures of the occupation of the North is still very long. In fact, from the data that emerged in the report, the first six months of 2019 mark an employment growth in the North of +137,000, compared with a drastic drop in Southern Italy of -27,000. Italy is moving away from the European average and seems unable to recover pre-crisis levels. Gruesome numbers, since 2000 more than 2 million inhabitants have left the South, which will continue to bring millions of young southerners to abandon their land to seek employment elsewhere ".
"The increase in the employment gap has increased by 2 percentage points in the last ten years – continues Nesci – and the prospect of growth for the country next year is very serious. In fact, the entire country will experience a weak recovery, at 0.6%, but the South will grow by no more than 0.2%. The decrease in the cost of training and research and development spending in the South is worrying, as it continues to show increases in the early leaving of the training course. But not only that, as other alarm bells go off due to the lack of health services, which leads to an emigration to the North of all those citizens who need to resort to treatment ”.
"The data that arouse most concern, however, are those regarding the stagnation of consumption – Nesci presses – in particular the North seems to have recovered the levels prior to the crisis, while in the South consumption is still negative, equal to -9%, with obvious reductions in private consumption by families, especially food consumption that continues to fall. We must work to ensure that the young remain in their land and make the economy of the South bear fruit, a land rich in resources but without incentives from the Institutions hiding behind a finger ”.
"The Government should support the inhabitants of the South – concludes Nesci – by making investments that can stimulate both employment in the South and limit this migratory phenomenon which many young people are forced to, but not only, and the consumption of families, so as to eliminate the classification that, inevitably, has been created between Serie A Consumers and Serie B Consumers ”.
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