No Tav, 12 activists convicted. Nicoletta Dosio renounces to alternative measures: "If they come to get me I am ready to go to prison"


He did not want to ask for alternative measures to the prison and in the next days he will end up in jail It is the choice of Nicoletta Dosio, 73, one of the most representative faces of the No Tav movement. Dosio was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for private violence and interruption of public service for having participated in a highway blockade on March 3, 2012 during an initiative called "Today pay Monti": about 300 No Tav militants went to the Avigliana exit on the Turin-Bardonecchia motorway and so as to keep two gates open for motorists to pass.

It was a protest against Sitaf, a company that provided support for the preliminary work of the Turin-Lyon. By today you are assisted by lawyers Emanuele D’Amico is Valentina Colletta, could have asked for an alternative measure, but did not want to do it: "After three grades of judgment that reaffirm the criminalization of the movement – she said this morning in a garrison in front of the Court of Turin -, for me asking for alternative measures meant asking sorry and adapt to the verdict. As far as I'm concerned, we have done our precise duty that I fully claim ". "We feel neither heroes nor martyrs, but people who defend their right to live," added Dosio. Eleven others were sentenced to her with slightly more severe sentences. No one obtained the conditional suspension of the sentence, but they asked the Surveillance Court for alternative measures.


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