Hellas has decided the interdictive measure following the declarations of the ultra, who had spoken yesterday among other things of "Baltoelli's antics", of "Balotelli not completely Italian", and of the sentences of the last weeks ("to sing to Hitler e goliardia ») resurfaced in these hours. Castelini cannot therefore enter the Bentegodi for over ten years, until June 2030.
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In the note the club announces "that it has adopted a disqualification measure against Mr. Luca Castellini which, proportionate to the gravity of the facts, in light of the provisions of the Code of Behavior, having been a behavior based on considerations and expressions seriously contrary to those that characterize the ethical principles and the values of our Club, provides for the suspension of approval of Mr Luca Castellini by Hellas Verona until 30 June 2030 ».
The «Suspension of Approval» is the tool that allows football clubs to suspend or revoke (depending on the gravity) access to the stadium to fans who violate the regulation of the plant, whether they are in possession of tickets for the single game, whether they are season ticket holders. Luca Castellini is the Venetian leader of Forza Nuova. It is not a question, therefore, of a Daspo as the prohibition of access to sporting events is and remains a measure provided for by law and issued by the quaestor.
<! –Last update: Last update: -> Tuesday 5 November 2019, 13:11
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