"The train of memory is biased." With this justification the Municipality of Predappio denied the contribution to the participation of two high school boys on the usual trip to the Auschwitz concentration camp organized every January 26 on the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day. A case that immediately aroused outrage and controversy, as well as the intervention of the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, who offered to the children of Predappio to participate in the "train" organized by the Capital.
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Predappio, thousands of nostalgics to Mussolini's tomb: fascist greetings and “Salvini santo immediately” t-shirts
"We are not opposed to the Train of Memory", explains the mayor of Predappio Roberto Canali to Ansa, but "these trains go only to one side and we do not intend to collaborate with those who forget everything else". To denounce the unusual position taken by the Municipality of Predappio against the project "Auschwitz Reminder – train of memory" which every year brings hundreds of kids to see with their own eyes the terrible testimonies of the Holocaust, it was the Generazioni in Comune association that from the columns of the Resto del Carlino said it was ready to cover the expenses necessary for the trip instead of the administration.
"There are two predappiesi students who voluntarily joined the project: one quota was made available by Anpi Forlì-Cesena and the other was to cover the administration," explains the association. For "Generations in common" to deny the contribution is a "worrying" choice. Predappio is a "city that more than any other should feel a strong duty to strive to keep the memory alive, did not consider it important to give this signal: we hope that you can reconsider, otherwise it would be a very serious act".
Roberto Canali, elected mayor in May in the birthplace of Benito Mussolini with a center-right list that has wrested his historic feud from the left, thus motivates ANSA's decision:
But the mayor of Mussolini's birthplace, Roberto Canali (elected in May in the center-right), replies to the hypothesis of an afterthought: "Absolutely not. When these trains stop also in front of the gulag – he adds – we will reconsider, because it will mean that the correctness of the memory is at 360 degrees ».
To the availability of the association Generazioni in comune was also added that of the parliamentary Pd Emanuele Fiano (willing to pay for his own pocket the trip if the Municipality of Predappio will not change his mind) and that of Virginia Raggi. «Without memory there is no future. I invite the students of the Predappio schools to participate in the next trip of the Memory organized by Roma Capitale », the mayor of Rome wrote on Twitter.
Without memory there is no future. Predappio school students should not be denied the opportunity to learn about the past to prevent those horrors from happening again. @Rome invites Predappio student representation to the next Memory trip organized by Roma Capitale
– Virginia Raggi (@virginiaraggi) November 8, 2019
Last updated: 15:34
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