20:18 – Whistle for the Salzburg that enters the field for heating.
20:10 – Crowd the two curves, still half-empty the Yards, as happens a little to all the games considering the respect of the places even arriving a few minutes from the match.
19:55 – PHOTO – Curva B announces typhus strike: "Fines and warnings for balustrades and megaphones, we will stop from Genoa" (click here)
19:45 – VIDEO-PHOTO TN – What a charge for the arrival of Naples: in hundreds to wait for the bus (click here)
19:35 – The official formation of Naples-Salzburg have been issued a few moments ago. Ancelotti with the Maksimovic novelty from the first minute instead of Manolas. Space for the duo Mertens-Lozano in attack. Salzburg ranks with the 5-3-2 with Haaland returning to the starting line after resting in the league. These are the official formations:
Naples (4-4-2): Meret; Di Lorenzo, Maksimovic, Koulibaly, Mario Rui; Callejon, Zielinski, Ruiz, Insigne; Mertens, Lozano. To avail. Ospina, Llorente, Elmas, Luperto, Hysaj, Manolas, Milik.
Salzburg (5-3-2): Coronel; Kristensen, Pongracic, Onguene, Wober, Ulmer; Minamino, Januzovic, Szoboszlai; Haland, Hwang. To avail. Kohn, Ashimeru, Vallci, Koita, Ramalho, Daka, Mwepu
The Napoli, this evening, can qualify with two rounds of advance (never happened) to the Champions League knockout rounds, a goal that the Italian club has reached very few only two more times in its history (once with Mazzarri and one with Sarri) and which has not reached for three years. To do this he must beat Salzburg. It would rise to 10 points with the Austrians stopped at 4 which, even if they won the next two with Napoli ko, would be eliminated for the defeat in the direct matches. A game, that of tonight, fundamental.
Manolas in Salzburg gave forfait for the breach at the rib from which he recovered, in the European adventure the Manolas-Koulibaly pair is still unbeaten given that Napoli both against Liverpool and against Genk has not conceded nets. The pair he bet Napoli against in the summer against Liverpool showed his best face, the high defense worked at the right time even when there was a lot to escape behind, with few smears. The wish of Ancelotti is that the San Paolo Champions version presents him with another proof to the height.
Amici di Tuttonapoli.net, good evening and welcome from San Paolo to the direct text of Naples-Salzburg! After Rome, the only positive note in Napoli is to go straight into the field. Against Salzburg there will be an important chance to redeem himself in front of a full San Paolo and try to find the right way ahead of the championship where Napoli can no longer leave points on the road so as not to compromise the race for a place in the Champions League. The European showcase could come to the rescue, considering that Napoli in the Champions League is undefeated, despite having played two out of three matches, and in case of victory – and a knockout of the Genk in Liverpool, this is rather predictable – would pass the pass for the knockout rounds of final with two rounds of advance. An opportunity available to Naples and only five other big names in Europe.
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