<h2>A carabiniere has revealed new details on the rescue of the school class</h2>
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<p>New details on the story of the 50 boys held <strong>hostage on a bus</strong>, then set on fire, on 21 March in San Donato Milanese. During the trial of <strong>Ousseynou Sy</strong>, the driver of the vehicle, <strong>a carabiniere</strong> witnessed the frantic phases in which he and his colleagues saved the boys hostage.
The words of the carabiniere
"He had a lighter in his hand and he shouted "move or set fire to the whole bus", "said the carabiniere, as reported by Ansa. "Before I saw that he also had a knife," he added, "they were really excited moments."
"The bus", the witness continued, "caught fire very quickly and so our fear is that there was someone inside. We started a break the glass and to let the children out, the children went out and the flames broke out in the meantime ".
In front of the Milan Court of Assizes and answering the questions of the prosecutor Luca Poniz, the witness explained that "first a child tried to pass to go out but remained blocked, at that point a colleague and I broke the windows and the children managed to get out ".
In today's hearing, dedicated to reconstruction by investigators and witnesses of what happened that morning, too another colleague intervened to save the students, he confirmed that he had seen Sy holding the lighter.
The evidence of the janitor
The first words who pronounced Ousseynou Sy, according to the evidence of the janitor, were these: "Now I will make you a nice trip and from here you will not go out".
The woman, as reported by Ansa, clarified that the Senegalese had "always holding a knife", but "I saw that he also had a gun". And again: "I felt that he always grumbled to himself, he used to say that children died at sea and he always repeated that word" Linate "".
"I saw death on me," the witness said. "I saw the smoke, the flames, then I heard the bus explode." The woman said that she asked Sy for explanations while he hijacked the bus, "but he didn't answer me".
The charges against the bus driver
According to the reconstructions of the prosecutor's office, Sy wanted to get to Linate to do a massacre on the airport runway, to condition the immigration policy and "intimidate the population".
Among the others disputed charges the bus driver, in addition to the massacre, also the aggravated kidnapping, fire, resistance and injury to 17 children, not only for wounds but also for "stress" and psychic trauma from "emotional violence".
VIRGILIO NEWS | 11-11-2019 13:48
<a href="https://notizie.virgilio.it/top-news/sequestra-bus-e-gli-da-fuoco-le-immagini-dopo-la-tragedia-296076" title="Sequestra bus e gli da fuoco. La ricostruzione" data-md5="797294de1b24e126cdb1d51639b7e622">
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Photo source: Ansa </span>
<figcaption>Seize bus and set it on fire. The reconstruction</figcaption>
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