Mauro Icardi does not pay a 17 thousand euro bill for renovation work. Company from Como presents an order for payment


The bomber did not pay the bill and the building company sued him. The striker in question is Mauro Icardi, center forward of Paris Saint Germain, club that thanks to the rich property, the Qatar Sports Investments linked to the sovereign wealth fund in the Gulf country, it donates to its champions gold salaries. Nor the bomber of Rosary is an exception with its around 10 million euro per year. Despite this, far from the Eiffel Tower the attacker is playing another game: the one against a historic building company in the province of Como to which Maurito he would not pay a bill by almost 17 thousand euros (including VAT) per renovations carried out in his home and his wife Wanda Nara, an amazing ultra-luxury attic with a view of the San Siro stadium, in via Pinerolo a Milan.

The affair experienced its turning point last July. Following several reminders for payment of the invoice, the company turned to the lawyers who had written to the Court of Como in recent months presenting payment order. The invoice object of dispute includes electrical works, heating system, ceiling, labor, in addition to supply of materials. A substantial job carried out during 2018.

But the invoice has never been paid and the building company has nothing left to do but move on to stamped papers. The Como judge assessed the request and, after examining the documentation in support of the payment order, accepted it. No opposition was followed by Icardi and his wife, under the terms of the law quantified in 40 days from the notification. At that point the decree became definitive. This will push the creditor in the event of repeated non-payment to initiate an enforcement action for the credit recovery. contacted the lawyers Paolo Rivolta is Federico Scisca of the Court of Monza, referred to the deeds as lawyers of the creditor company, who limited themselves to framing the case as a “normal practice of credit recovery which, as such, is following the procedure provided for by the procedure, to protect the company creditor ".


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