Among the democrats a remnant of the old PCI's workerist culture survives, the Five Stars have the primitive cult of degrowth and demonize profit, without which there are no private entrepreneurs or workers. And it cannot be nationalized, as the M5S and the CGIL comrades ask, because the money to bring the Ilva back under the control of the Treasury and load it on the back of tax payers is not there. Imagine if you add the Alitalia and the Whirlpool of Naples to the list.
With this majority, paralysis is the only possible outcome.
There is only one way out of the quagmire, and it is the one indicated by Matteo Salvini. First: no nationalization. "I the former Ilva would not nationalize it, because then who pays?" Taxpayers, precisely. The leader of the League who remembers the existence of the budget constraint is a beautiful news: he had done it before signing the citizenship income grillino, today we would all be better.
Second: pacta sunt servanda, the agreements with investors are respected. The Italian State had promised to the shareholders and managers of Arcelor Mittal the immunity from the criminal laws regarding the environment, for the period necessary to bring the plant into order. A commitment dictated by common sense, since no one in their right mind accepts to risk imprisonment for an inherited situation, for which he is not responsible. Once the new government and the League were put to the opposition, the Five Stars have rethought us, and their turnaround has given the multinational a good reason to call itself out of the operation. "Beyond Ilva," said the head of the Carroccio, "a government and a country that changes its signed contracts is not a good sign to companies around the world." Who is willing to bet their money on a table where the rules change as the game progresses, as soon as a new dealer arrives? Thus, the deputies of the League yesterday presented the amendments to the fiscal decree to reintroduce the penal shield, in order to honor the commitment and remove all alibis from Arcelor Mittal. Third point indicated by Salvini, national unity. Not on everything, God forbid. But on what can serve to stop the flight of businesses and capital and defend employment, yes. Starting right from the Ilva.
"We are ready to support any decrees the government brings to save jobs", assured the leader of the League. Because "when there are thousands of workers at stake, there is no majority or opposition to take". It is a necessary position: if the price for the community is so high, those in opposition and aiming to govern the country cannot speculate on the misfortunes of the majority. But it is also an attempt to break into the crack that has opened up within the government.
Proposals similar to the Northern ones were presented by the deputies of Italia viva, Matteo Renzi's party. Two amendments: one reinstates the penal shield for Arcelor Mittal starting from 3 November, the other guarantees immunity to all companies involved in the reclamation of plants in similar situations. On the same position are Forza Italia and Fratelli d 'Italia. And the Democratic Party is tempted to join the group. The center-right is united, therefore, and it is not alone.
Do you remember anything? Massì, the "party of the Olympics" that in June saw the Lega, the Pd, Forza Italia and Fdi cheer together for the assignment of the Games of 2026 in Milan and Cortina. All except the Five Stars, which are still the first party in Parliament. Only an agreement between the allies of Luigi Di Maio and his adversaries can produce something good for the workers of Ilva and other companies in crisis, and Salvini understood this first.
If things went well, Conte would have to declare his mission bankrupt and go up to the Quirinale to resign. For this reason, Pd and M5S will try to find a common solution until the last moment. However, something serious is needed, not a downward accord like all those who have done so far and that have brought us to the point where we are. It is not said that they are capable of it.
by Fausto Carioti
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