Already in the coming days the economic maneuver presented by the government should undergo changes. But how do you present the version just sent to the Chambers, in particular in terms of taxation? Which taxes increase and which are reduced? Let's try to make a reasoned survey of the measures under discussion, the so-called fiscal decree (124/2019) and the draft Budget law. Two texts that actually make up the overall maneuver and therefore we will consider together, even if they will have a separate parliamentary procedure. In total, they expect higher revenues for 11.3 billion and lower revenues for 26.8. Therefore the budget would be favorable for the tax payers, even if it should be remembered that the great part of these reductions derives from the stop to the (theoretically) expected VAT increases.
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We therefore examine the entry entries for 2020 – almost all of which are of a tax or contributory nature – starting from those that have a negative sign or reduce the tax burden. The most significant operation is precisely the cancellation of the so-called "safeguard clauses" or VAT increases (and to a much lesser extent of excise duties) for a total of 23.1 billion. This is a legacy left by previous governments, which have postponed the financing of their own measures for the future. If the clauses were not defused, heavy tax increases would take place, but it is also true that their sterilization was taken for granted and therefore at least on a piscological level it can be difficult to perceive it as an effective lowering of the tax burden.
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Always on the side of having for the tax payer there is the 3 billion fund destined to reduce taxation on labor (the famous tax wedge). It should be a deduction for dependent employment destined to absorb and expand the current 80 euro bonus. The framework of the tax relief measures is completed by the restoration of the Ace, the incentive to the capitalization of the companies – which is worth 325 million – and by the reduction to 10 percent of the so-called flat coupon on rents with agreed rent (202 million) : also in this case it is the confirmation of the current tax level, which however would have returned to 15 percent in the absence of interventions. Finally, there are 185 million less revenue for the state resulting from the cancellation of the so-called "superticket": this is not strictly a tribute but certainly the citizens will have a benefit.
The list of revenue increases is much longer. The largest package is about 3 billion from the fight against tax evasion. These are actually different rules that can be traced back to three major items: contrast to undue tax and social security payments (credits to the State that the tax payer "climbs" from his payments, in all almost 1.6 billion) fight against frauds in particular in the emergency and fuel sectors (€ 963.5 million), measures that essentially require companies to pay withholding taxes or VAT instead of others deemed less reliable (€ 453 million). Another novelty contained in the bill goes in the same direction: "pseudonymizing" the names of the tax payers the State will be able to overcome the objections of the privacy guarantor and use the large archive of current accounts more effectively. Expected benefit: 125 million in 2020, which will then become more.
Anti-evasion measures aside, the most significant increase for 2020 is for banks, with over 1.6 billion deriving from the block on the deduction of some budget items. It must be said, however, that in the face of greater immediate disbursements, credit institutions will pay fewer taxes in the following years: they are essentially advanced collections for the State. Then follows in order of size the tax on plastics related to single-use items, set at one euro per kilo (almost 1.1 billion): a levy contested by companies in the sector that could be revised.
The hold on the gaming sector is almost a billion overall: the main measures are the increase in the single tax withdrawal and that of the levy on winnings. From the reopening of the offer to companies to revalue shareholdings and land, the State expects 860 million: also in this case the positive effect is partially offset by lower future revenues. The motorway concessionaires will suffer a limitation on their depreciation which should yield 340 million. The squeeze on company cars (which will, however, translate into greater personal income tax for employees who receive them for mixed use) has an expected revenue of 332 million. The so-called sugar tax (tax on non-alcoholic beverages, with probable effects on consumers) is worth 234 million, while it is 208 million (destined to increase a lot since 2021) for the collection of the "flat tax" for VAT numbers: possibility of paying a substitute tax in place of the normal personal income tax is foreclosed for those who have annual revenues between 65 thousand and 100 thousand euros and slightly limited for those below 65 thousand.
Let's see the measures that close the list of the major revenue. The increase in excise taxes on smoking will bring a benefit of 119 million, the web tax additional tax revenue (compared to those already provided) of 108. From the highest excise taxes on polluted products used to produce energy (such as coal) should reach 106 million while the greater taxability of food stamps (the amount exempt from income tax is reduced for paper ones) is 51 million. The application of IMU on oil platforms at sea will give 30, the increase in stamp duty on criminal certificates 25.
No other tax revenue can be considered real tax increases: it is the case, for example, of the almost 1.5 billion direct tax advances that are moved from 2019 to 2020: you pay after what you are not paid first. While 222 million are greater tax collections deriving from contractual increases or hiring in the world of public work: the former would not exist without the latter. Subtracting these items and some other minor from the 11.3 billion in higher revenues, around 9.5 billion are obtained, which is the total value of the new maneuver taxes, where taxes are naturally also those related to games or arising from the struggle against evasion.
Last update: November 9, 7:29
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