Grape: "No second M5S consultation on the vote in Emilia Romagna"
At the same time, the 5 Stars Francesco D'Uva stated that the Movement will not hold a second consultation on the regional elections in Emilia Romagna: "AWe have just voted on Rousseau, I do not think it is appropriate to do it again", He stated in an interview with Corriere della Sera. "We would be uncomfortable in a regional agreement with the PD. It is better to make an alliance with the civic forces ", he explained, although it is" right to be together in Rome, because you cannot govern yourself ". D’Uva then ruled out that the outcome of the vote had an impact on the government: "Only a fool can think of such a thing, it is absurd that a government is hanging on to the result of a" regional election ". Easy to say. Less easy for the Democratic Party, which if it were to lose the red stronghold par excellence it would have enormous difficulties to remain in government. Di Maio also wished that the regional elections would not be a referendum on the government: "It also happened in Umbria, the day after the elections the Umbrians disappeared".
Yellow split, other than government contract
But the real political knot is cohabitation at Palazzo Chigi. The Pd responded stubbornly to the M5S when it proposed to sign a government contract as it did with the League. The contract formula (starting in January) was repeated by Beppe Grillo himself. But the PD delegation leader in the government, Dario Franceschini, has rejected the hypothesis of a "contract guaranteed by a notary because no signatures are needed, but a political agreement". in conclusion the dems want to keep their hands free. The recent, bitter battle over the Mes – the so-called save EU states, that the premier Giuseppe Conte, in deference to the diktat of Brussels, would like to "trim" to the Italians – who sees the 5 Stars against and the favorable dems says a lot. Not to mention the discussion and approval of the Budget law, which resumes today the process in the Senate Budget Committee. In short, on the economic policies, the yellow and pink are split. And in the middle – let's not forget – there is Italia Viva di Renzi.
Adolfo Spezzaferro
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