The evolution of the people of los votos observados no change the tendencia.Por the much saludamos to the president electo @LuisLacallePou , with quien mantendre una reunion manana. Agradezco de corazon a quienes confiaron en nosotros with on vote.
– Ing. Daniel Martinez (@Dmartinez_uy) November 28, 2019
In the first round, Martinez finished first with 40 percent of the vote but failed to agree with any of his rivals ahead of the second round. Lacalle Pou, who is 46 years old and is the son of a former president of the country, had instead managed to quickly reach an agreement with the other two center and center-right candidates. For the Broad Front this is the first defeat after 15 years without interruption in the government.
The different elections in Uruguay
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