The words of the Austrian technician
During the press conference on the eve of Bologna-Inter, Antonio Conte, at the request of FcInter1908, focused on the situation linked to Valentino Lazaro, who still finds it hard to find space in the technician's chessboard: "He is a young and quality guy, he has been seen several times. It is a national team, one of the most promising. He played in clubs without pressure, patience will be needed. We will have to give him a chance to play from the beginning, other speeches have not been touched. We made an investment on him, we spent 20 million on him. It is young, we believe it. We think the value paid for him can grow. We will have to give it a chance. Also on Sensi we made an investment, even with Barella, they gave faster answers. Lazaro slower answers, but we hope they arrive as soon as possible, "said the Mister.
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