In the background, the request to European Commission to act more decisively to defend a sector in crisis also because of the Trump duties and the sharp increase in imports from China. The governor of Tuscany Enrico Rossi wrote in Brussels asking to reduce steel import quotas duty free to "protect a key sector of our economy that has a major impact on employment ".
"Reducing duty-free quotas is not enough. Review safeguards " – Enrico Rossi, president of the Region that in Piombino hosts another important steel plant taken over last year by the Indian group Jindal – part of the consortium concurrent with that of Arcelor in the tender for Ilva – sent its letter directly to the elected president Ursula von der Leyen. In the letter, published by Sole 24 Ore, the governor Pd remembers that "in March 2018 the United States decided to impose heavy import duties of steel and aluminum products ”which increase the price of steel products entering the American market by 25 percent. The EU has "reacted to this protectionist action with measures of safeguard on imports of certain steel products which provide for a system of shares than non-European countries they cannot exceed, if not with a payment of a 25 percent duty.
However, in February 2019, the Commission has initial quotas increased by 5 percent and planned to increase them by another 5 percent in July 2019 and a subsequent 5 percent in July 2020, in compliance with the WTO rules calling for progressive liberalization of the measures ". Given the crisis in various sectors such as the automotive, Brexit and energy costs "the European steel market has collapsed". While imports from Asia increased. In response, "the EU has recently reviewed the safeguard measures reducing the increase in free import quotas from 5 to 3 percent from duties starting in July 2019 ″. According to Rossi, however, it is not enough: to "protect a key sector of our economy and with such an important impact on employment" it would be "appropriate to review the safeguard measures and encourage innovative investments in this sector".
Ilva Induced Presidium at the Ministry – Confindustria Taranto Meanwhile, he announced a presidium of the suppliers of the former Ilva in front of the Mise. A delegation led by President Antonio Marinaro will meet Minister Stefano Patuanelli at 2 pm, to whom a document will be delivered on the ArcelorMittal affair. "The same document – explains the association of industrialists – will be brought to the attention, on the same day, by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and the President of the Council of Ministers Giuseppe Conte". The delegation will illustrate “the emergency situation – underlines Confindustria – in which the companies find themselves after ArcelorMittal Italy has left the plant, without having paid the suppliers themselves the amount of receivables accrued, amounting to around 50 million euros: a very serious situation that is already giving rise to appeal to the redundancy fund for employees of the same companies. In some cases we talk about layoffs. The number of former Ilva workers in Taranto is about 6 thousand units". These companies have “already sacrificed 150 million euros in the transition between Ilva and Ilva in AS, between 2014 and 2015 (credits merged into the passive state). In the absence of solutions, they will no longer be able to guarantee the payment of salaries to their employees. Today they demand answers that can no longer be delayed ”.
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ArcelorMittal closes plants in South Africa, Poland and the USA: the steel giant is on the run not only from Taranto. "The market deteriorates"
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